When You want to stay on top of your game, then you need to shape a beautiful character, that follows a strict code of conduct. This is what we stand for.

Teaching and Leading By Example

There’s no better way to learn than from teachers that “walk the talk”, that are constantly mastering their craft and know-how.

Compounding Knowledge and Results

Following the “1% rule” – trying to compound knowledge every single day that will inevitably lead to exponential results.

Being Mindful and Objective

Trading is the game of the mind and developing a strong and objective bias towards a realistic outcome is part of our code.

We Nurture Discipline, Encourage Self-discovery and Develop Strategy as a group in perfect synergy.

Synergy is the key to success in any field, and trading is no exception.

Our goal is to build a synergetic environment, a network of like-minded traders where people could learn from other traders experiences and gain new perspectives on the market.